"Yom Iyun" -- a one-day seminar on translation - registration has begun

The ITA - Israel Translators Association is holding a one-day seminar of lectures, workshops, food, fun and networking.
When? - Sunday, April 21, 2013, at 08:30-17:30 hrs.
Where? - The Adenauer Conference Center in Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem.

Want more details? - Of course you do! Just click the link.

Do you have to be an ITA member to attend? - No, but it'll cost you a few extra shekels. I highly recommend that you put those shekels to good use by joining the ITA; this way, you'll pay the lower rate, as well as help bolster the organization and hopefully be encouraged to attend future events, too. 

Wish I could attend, but  am not well enough yet. (Why, what's wrong? Oh, I had some surgery a while back. So why am I not well yet? Because. C'est la vie. Don't nag. I'm doing the best I can.)

The thing that amuses me is that the ITA chose to refer to this event by its Hebrew name, "yom iyun"; probably because there is no exact equivalent in English. It's one of those annoying words that the Heb-to-Eng translator comes across quite often, rolls his/her eyes and emits a "Grrr"-kind of exasperated growl. Just a tiny example of what we translators are up against every single day. Yes, even when we're not officially working. Because our brains -- at least the language-section thereof -- keep at it, wherever we are, whatever we're doing.

So go ahead, sign up for the Yom Iyun, and send me your impressions. You can also pick up and send me a copy of whatever handouts are distributed, and email me your notes, or post them on your respective blogs and send me a link! 


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