How festive was your ceremony?

How often have you come across the expression "tekes hagigi"?

Quite often, I'm sure.

Translators seem to feel compelled to translate this literally, as a "festive ceremony". I actually found myself doing the same, not wanting to leave out a word which presumably indicated the special atmosphere of the ceremony.

But upon closer inspection or attention you'll realize that this word combination is but a cliché, a sort of knee-jerk idiom often used in Hebrew journalism whether it's appropriate or not. As in many other cases, writers of Hebrew feel the text isn't impressive enough without a (preferably pompous) adjective. So they throw in a handful.

The case in point was a graduation ceremony for IDF soldiers completing their officers' training course. It was probably quite a formal and solemn occasion. Though the attending parents may have been feeling proud etc., I don't know if the occasion really calls for the adjective "festive".

Another example:

שר הקפה והתה, בן-מוקה ועמיתו - שר הסודה והקולה האמריקני, מר דרינק, חתמו עם סיום ביקורו של השר בן-מוקה בוושינגטון, על מזכר הבנות משותף, לפיו ישראל וארה"ב ישתפו פעולה בתחום האנרגיות המתחדשות.

הטקס החגיגי, שנערך במשרד הסודה והקולה האמריקני בוושינגטון, הוא שיאו של ביקורו הכלכלי-מדיני של השר בן-מוקה בארה"ב.

Okay, so they signed a memorandum. I get it. They were all wearing dark suits and ties. Their shoes were shined. Cocktails were passed around. But was it really so "festive"? Can't an Israeli PR person write the word tekes without the adjective hagigi?... Let me see, what other types of tkasim are there?

טקס מסורתי, טקס מעונב, טקס ממלכתי, טקס רשמי (כפילות מיותרת?)

האם שמעתם אי פעם על טקס פרוע, טקס שובר-מוסכמות, טקס פורץ דרך?

A solemn ceremony, a traditional ceremony, a moving ceremony, a formal ceremony (tautology?)


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